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Find out more about Rachel's Best Selling Books!

Rachel's Books

As well as a sacred dance teacher and women's empowerment coach, Rachel is also an author who has written many books on healing, goddess mythology, wolf wisdom and nature alchemy for 



Find out more about her books below.



She-Wolf of Rome and Mother of Destiny 


Come enter the cave of destiny with the She-Wolf. She transcends timelines, space and dimensions to become your guide in remembering and embodying your unique purpose and path.


 This book is an exploration of Lupa as the she-wolf of Rome, from Wet-nurse to the founders of Ancient Rome to Modern day teacher of embodiment practices. Lupa is a powerful Goddess for supporting a life lived on purpose and for those that desire to discover and manifest their unique destiny.

Explore the mythos of Lupa and its meaning and importance for the Ancient Romans as well as for you now. She is not only central and vital importance to the history of Rome and the Ancient Roman empire but also to womankind.

As an ambassador for the Wolf Genius and essence, Lupa comes forth now to support the empowerment and healing of the inner and outer wild, primal feminine. Her deep howl from the cave is a call to her pack asking you to step forward in alignment with your truth. This book contains tools and practices to support you in your journey with Lupa as you take these steps, and the re-telling of her story is testament to her invaluable role as Mother of Destiny.   




Released 24th November 2023 


Pre-order here now:



Barnes and Noble 

Indie Bound


In the U.K: You can also order the book from your local bookstores such as WaterstonesBlackwells and Foyles 

In the U.S: You can also order the book from your local bookstores such as Chaucersbooks, Walmart




Untamed. Courageous. Empowered. An Inspirational Guide to Embodying Your Inner Wolf  


An inspirational guide to deepening your spiritual connection to Wolves, exploring embodiment practices for personal empowerment.


Reconnect to your authentic expression. Learn to trust your wild and untamed nature. Find the courage to be fearlessly you. A howl from the deepest parts of the forest signals the wolf within, rising. Wolf is calling all those who are ready to reclaim their sovereign place as students of wild embodiment and self-empowerment. Wolf is an inspirational guide for deepening your spiritual connection to wolves, exploring practices and embodiment tools for personal empowerment. It offers solace to all those who, like wolves, have ever felt different, an outsider, made wrong, bad or ugly. It invites you into the warm, cosy den of the wolf to learn that you are not alone in craving belonging and the rightness of self. With the wolves, you will bravely leave self-doubt behind and courageously reclaim your self-worth.

This book is your reminder that you are worthy, you are powerful, and you are of value exactly as you are.


Through an exploration of wolf wisdom, mythology, legend, gods and goddesses, this guide will lead you on the hunt for self-acceptance and self-actualisation. Through guided connection to Wolf Spirit and the Wolf Council, you will increase your self-confidence, learn to honour your unique self and celebrate all the ways in which you are and can be Wolf - untamed, courageous, and wildly free.


Journey with Grand Mother Wolf, the elemental wolves and the great Wolf God Fenrir to learn what it means to be part of the wolf pack and to finally trust your innate abilities and purpose. Wolf will support you in the most powerful reclamation and liberation of your authentic self.


This book includes

~  A re-telling of the Norse tale of the Great Wolf Fenrir and his sister Hel.

~ A quiz to discover which elemental wolf you are!

~ An encyclopedia of wolf deities and myths

~ How to heal your chakras with the example of wolves

~ Insightful stories from both Rachel, her students and the example of wolves in the wild to inspire you to trust, celebrate and empower your own authenticity and unique gifts!


 ORDER ON AMAZON NOW, Barnes & Noble, Waterstones, or WHSmiths


This book will be released 30th August 2024


Or use the ISBN to order from your local bookstore: 

  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1803415339

  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1803415338





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An exploration of the religion, gods and goddesses of Ancient Rome. 

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Rachel writes her books as part of her embodied mythology wisdom school WOLF WOMAN RISING™


To find out

~ More about Wolf Woman Rising

~ More details of her books, previews, audio readings and the extra book freebies

~ Wolf Women retreats & training in Goddess Wisdom and ancient mythology


CLICK here (you will be taken to her WWR Website.)

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