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That which you Love, Grows

The Love Mysteries Course 

A 9-week self-love activation, working with earth medicine, Goddess Mythology, Movement healing, Ritual and Meditation.   
This is deep dive into Ancient wisdom and modern practice to activate and embody your self-Love & devotion. You will be guided by the Love Goddesses from Freya to Aphrodite, receiving their wisdom and healing. You will create a life-lasting relationship of devotion, acceptance and honour of self through remembering and reclaiming your uniqueness, value & worth.

When you commit to the course, you are committing in devotion to you, you are declaring your worth and value and taking those steps in your great returning to self-love & sacred service to your path, heart and body.
In doing so you will attract more and deeper love into your life! 

This will be the start of your greatest love story yet.   

Next enrollment opens JANUARY 2022
Running March 2022 - May 2022

Spaces limited to 15 women to enable 121 support.



" Your open heart is the most powerful vessel of transformation, of receiving divine light and empowering it with love"

~ Mary Magdalene in 'Mary Magdalene Beckons'.


Your LOVE Goddess Guides

Week 1: Introduction & Guided Meditation


Weeks 2-7: Love Past, Present and Future.


Week 8: Integration & Graduation

In this course you will learn the ways that embodiment can change you, in all the ways you desire. 

You will feel more confident, feeling powerful and sexy.
You will discover how to trust your body as a compass of your truth.
You will become a magnetic manifestor of opportunities and relationships.
You will learn how to cultivate self-trust, self-love and self-acceptance, and reconnecting with your sensuality. 

If YOU really want to feel it... if you want to BE it — we’ve got to do more than talk or want it. 

We’ve got to come together and DO it. 

Module 1: Love Your Body


~ Experience supported engagement of your sensual, creative and feminine self to bring more ease, pleasure and passion into your life.

~ Explore how to eat, move, live like a Goddess and attract & embody beauty!  

~ Learn how to love your body and see your body as beautiful, your sensuality as sacred and your emotions as a gift.

~ Reclaim the worth, value and pleasure of your body by beginning or deepening a relationship of respect, honour of self, replacing shame, abandonment and rejection.

Although we believe all is Divine Love made manifest, Goddess so generously takes a myriad of forms. Each name, myth and symbol offers us specific keys and guidance needed for the obstacles and opportunities we face on our path. 

Mother Mary embraces us in Her soothing warmth; Aphrodite leads the way to valuing and honouring our bodies. Freya teaches us discernment, fierce and courageous love, and Rhiannon supports in embodying Divine Union, Balance and Sovereignty in love. 

What form of the Goddess are you calling in as your guide for this time?


Course Includes:
~ 9 x Live 120minute Activation Calls & recordings to keep forever!
~ Online Group for continued support and sisterhood
~ Platform with course materials including weekly
~ Weekly Dance Healing Activations & Embodiment, Flower Essence Journeys & Goddess Mythology Wisdom Sharing to enjoy at your own pace
~ Flower Essence Formula  (see below)

You will also receive a Flower Essence Formula to take during the course.

(Value £44)

The formula is custom made by Rachel, calling in the spirits of Plant allies to support your mind, body and soul for integration, embodiment and healing of your divine feminine essence.


" If Grass can grow through cement, then you can find you at any time in your life!' ~ Cher


As your Guide in this course, Rachel will help you peel off the barriers & fear around your heart and shed the judgements, fears and limitations that no longer serve you. ⁠

I will guide you back to YOU.⁠

The YOU that wants to find her place and pleasure in the world.⁠
The YOU that wants to feel powerful and free without the constant pushing.⁠ 
The YOU that wants to show up fully and radiantly but just doesn’t trust that she knows how.⁠

My role is to help you hear your own voice again. ⁠

You are wise. ⁠
You are whole and no matter what the world keeps telling you, you don’t need fixing!⁠ 

Let me hold your hand.

This unbecoming journey isn’t easy. ⁠

And let me tell you, it is exponentially more fun, safe and heart-opening when you have someone to champion and excavate with you.⁠ ⁠ 

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