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Event information & Guidelines

Dates and Times
All Live session will be held on Zoom and the zoom link sent to you the day of our gathering.
All live gatherings will be from 7pm - 9pm BST. 
For those in Europe and America or anyone who can't attend live for whatever reason (which is totally ok!) I will upload the recording on the main event page 1-2 hours after the live.
Catch up when you can, no pressure! 
The lives will be password protected and entry will not be given after 7:10pm - so please be prompt. You can attend earlier than 7pm, you will just be added to a waiting room.
We gather on Thursday 30th, Saturday 1st and Monday 3rd. Please note these dates in your diary.
We have a day between each live session to process and reflect or deepen your experience.
What do I need?
At the very least please have a journal or notepad for this online celebration.
The 3 live sessions are your main events.
All journal, activity and ritual prompts are added extras to deepen your journey and not compulsory.
This is the same for the facebook group, it is not compulsory and I know many of you are not on facebook. It is there however to offer you the opportunity to share your experiences and connect with others. I invite you to share there as much as you need and want. Share pictures, thoughts, journal prompt answers, questions etc. There is not many of you this time round that are on actually facebook so it will be a small group there!  
What to bring to each session will be unique to that session and advise will be given in your pre-event email.
Confidentiality & Behaviour
This is a safe and sacred space where all are welcome, seen, and heard. 
I will not tolerate rudeness, bullying, aggressiveness, unkind words or any kind of unloving behaviour to myself or any other lady in our circle.
If found to be doing so you will be removed from the course. We are here to support and respect each other.
Remember you are fully responsible for your well-being, your actions and choices.  
I also ask that you respect the confidentiality of anything that a sister (and that includes myself) shares within the event that is personal and shared in the expectation of it remaining in this safe container only.
Your attendance on this event is conditional on you respecting the copyright of my intellectual property. You may not share or use any of the content as your own or in a professional capacity. Do not share zoom links, videos or prompts with anyone outside of our gathering.
You are however more than welcome to share your personal experiences on social media and I ask that if you do so you tag @underthedancing on facebook or @the.dancingpriestess on Instagram. Thank you.
Phew, after saying all that I would just like to remind you that this event is here for your JOY, your CELEBRATION, as well as community, smiles, and yes, fun ;) 
Healing, process, deep enquiry, ritual etc. does not have to always be serious, difficult, or painful!!!
Lammas teaches us this - the ease and potential pleasure of transition and change when we surrender to our nature, and to nature and that there is always the balance of celebratory wins and losses, as well as the importance of give and receive. 
You are wonderful, you are doing so well, you are truly, truly amazing and loved and held. Carry that with you through this portal and beyond!  
If you have any questions at all please feel free to contact me, Rachel xx    
Your guide Rachel
A very warm welcome from your guide and facilitator for this event, Rachel. 
Here is a little bit of background information about me!
I am deeply devoted to a path of re-connecting women to their bodies and to mother nature. In doing so I aim to support them in creating their greatest life-love story through the way in which they communicate, respect, work with and celebrate self and the earth. 
I have been teaching Belly dance and Polynesian dance for 15 years and facilitating sound healing, dance healing and meditation, Elemental- Nature alchemy and Goddess Connection, Meditation and Courses for 13 years.
My in-depth and continuous training has taken me all over the world, from Morrocco to India, Egypt, Bulgaria, Scotland, Glastonbury and not forgetting other dimensions ;) I seem to have ridden a lot of camels! 
I am qualified and trained in:
~ Dance Teaching with JWAAD, TEDC & London School of Hula
~ Inner Dance Process and Awakened Belly Dance from Sirius Academy 
~ Access Consciousness
~ Goddess Elemental Healing
~ OCN Aromatherapy & Counselling 
~ Reiki
~ Under Graduate and Postgraduate degrees in History & Anthropology
~ Priestess of Avalon
~ Ongoing training as a Flower Essence Practitioner 
For more Information please see my about me page
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© Under The Dancing Tree 2020 Terms and Privacy

Dance & Energy Healing is not meant to replace conventional medicine, but rather to complement and enhance it. Information within this site is metaphysical in nature and is by no means medical. Dance Healing should only be used with the understanding that it is not an independent therapy, but one that is a part of a holistic healing approach.

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